Sunday, October 21, 2012

TLLCCF 25th Year Anniversary Rose Gala Child Care Advocate Award,

On Saturday, October 13th the Terri Lynne Lokoff Childcare Foundation (TLLCCF,) held their annual  Rose Gala at the Lafayette Ballroom in Philadelphia.   This event annually celebrates improvements in early care and education.  However, in lieu of TLLCCF's 25th year anniversary, they paid tribute to the memory and hard work of my mother, Helene Marks. At the event they debuted their new video which included a slide show of my mother in action.  Allan Miller, the executive director, and Kay & Fred Lokoff, the founders of TLLCCF, presented my father and I with a plaque in honor of my mom.

The night was bitter sweet for both my father and I.  We are extremely proud of my moms work, and were thrilled to accept the 2013 "Terri Lynne Lokoff Child Care Advocate Award," on her behalf.

Allan Miller, the current director kindly spoke about my moms work. He said, "what can I say about Child Care Advocate recipient Helene Marks?  Helene was a tough cookie who was passionate about her family and about the kids and teachers we do our best to help.  I came here as director 7-1/2 years ago looking forward to working with Helene.  I knew I could teach her about the business side of things and she could teach me about never accepting, “No,” for an answer, about doggedly pursuing goals, about networking incessantly and about never turning down a request for help because, down the line, those she helped would in turn be inclined to help someone else or some other organization.  Like Terri, I wish that Helene was still here so the TLLCCF and the Helene Marks Early Start Foundation- established by Helene’s daughter Jaime, would not have to act as her proxies."

As long as I could remember, while my mom was the active director, she planned for months in preparation for the annual Rose Gala.  It looks like she has passed the torch. I have gained a greater appreciation and understanding for what it takes to plan a momentous event, as we are gearing up for our 5 year anniversary of HMESF.  It's an event you won't want to miss.  Hope to see you there!

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