Tuesday, February 19, 2013

EDU-CAP: Early Education in ACTION!

Last year’s re-election of Obama had reignited serious talks establishing new policies and strategies dedication to ensuring all children have access to quality early education and child care. In the last three weeks we’ve seen early education in action: from parents challenging NYC for the teacher evaluation impasse, to a state senator introducing education legislation, and even President Obama detailing plans to expand early education in his state of the union address. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


This week HMESF posted a guest blog for My Town Tutors, whose mission is to connect parents with well-qualified, local teachers as tutors for their child. Periodically they invite others interested children's education to submit a guest blog to reach their network of parents and teachers across the country.

Check out our guest blog citing the importance of investing in early childhood development @ My Town Tutors!

Early Childhood Development: The Best Investment