Rainbow Chimes sing Wednesday. Credit: Pam Robinson
The nation’s focus on early learning and the importance of investing in early education comes at a prefect time. Earlier this year, the president made a bold step forward to improve the opportunities for young children. He announced an unprecedented proposal to make more than $75 billion available for early education, child care, Head Start, pre-kindergarten and home visiting over the next 10 years. However, President Obama’s commitment to early education won’t push through without our support. The “Early Learning Days of Action” serves as a prime opportunity to band together as a nation and to speak as a unified voice on behalf of young children and families to support President Obama’s Early Learning Initiative.
Credit: Twitter @whitehouse
On Wednesday June 5th, allies across the country celebrated “Early Learning Day of Action” to generate as many press-worthy attention activities that will start and continue the conversation on early learning and the impact toward being productive citizens of the future. Spearheaded by the National Women’s Law Center based in Washington D.C., hundreds of organizations and advocates will participate in the “Early Learning Day of Action” over the next two weeks.
In New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo recently supported $25 million toward making pre-kindergarten education available to all of the state's children. A great start to push early child care to the forefront in New York; advocates across the state have held rallies and events over the last two weeks for the “Early Learning Days of Action.” In New York State, ten events coordinated by the Ready for Kindergarten, Ready for College campaign (WinningBeginningNY (WBNY), Citizen Action of New York (CANY), and the Alliance for Quality Education of NY(AQE) are taking place across the state from May 30-June 14.
One event on June 5th held in Huntington, Long Island, at Rainbow Chimes International School for Early Education, rallied together legislators, representatives of the Early Years Institute (EYI) and others in support of President Obama's Early Learning Initiative. EYI’s President Dr. Dana E. Friedman, who was our keynote speaker at HMESF’s 5th anniversary party in March, was present to speak about the need to commit to serving our young children. Dr. Dana E. Friedman stated, “The stakeholders standing beside me today from the Long Island community - parents, business and government leaders, pediatricians, educators in the schools and child care programs - can play a role in assuring our youngest children are ready for success in school and life.”
We all know of the incredible pay-off for investing in early childhood development. During a time when many school districts are facing budget cuts, Billy Easton, Executive Director of the Alliance for Quality Education, reminds us that “every $1 invested in quality pre-K saves $7 down the road, which is a terrific return on investment.”
Credit: Twitter @EarlyEd4NYkids
So what better way to remind people across the country to keep a dialogue going about early education and investing in our children’s future than taking part in the “Early Learning Days of Action”?
Alliance for Quality Education has done a great job covering all the events for New York’s “Early Learning Days of Action.” Check out all 10 events in New York and find ways to let your voice be heard and support President Obama’s Early Learning Initiative by telling a friend about fighting for quality education for all children or contacting your representative to put early education on the forefront!
Follow the action at #PreKforAll and coverage of New York’s “Early Learning Days of Action” at https://www.rebelmouse.com/NY4EarlyLearning/
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